Now that I've got my fancy new jharding.org domain name configured properly, I've moved my blog to blog.jharding.org. The old name, johnmharding.blogspot.com, should continue to redirect indefinitely.
Insert witty phrase/saying here.
Now that I've got my fancy new jharding.org domain name configured properly, I've moved my blog to blog.jharding.org. The old name, johnmharding.blogspot.com, should continue to redirect indefinitely.
I run a home server, which mainly exists for file serving and some hobby projects, and it's nice to have DNS actually work for it. When I first set this all up a long time ago, either my DNS registrar didn't offer any decent DNS hosting options, or I somehow missed it. No matter, as DynDNS offered cheap lifetime custom DNS service, and I wanted something like that to deal with my frequently-changing cable modem IP address.
I use my iPhone on T-mobile (under contract until end of the month), after unlocking 1.1.4 with ZiPhone 3.0 back in March. Jealous of all the 2.0 excitement, I took the plunge and am in the middle of doing the hacked upgrade described here. Not sure if it was necessary, after ZiPhone hackage, but back on 1.1.4, I installed BootNeuter from installer.app and re-hacked that way. What I'm not clear on is what ZiPhone 3.0 actually did. As far as I can tell, my phone (an AT&T refurb) was already on the 3.6 bootloader, so I don't think anything wacky happened there. I'm a bit fuzzy on what exactly it was that ZiPhone was forced to downgrade - bootloader or baseband?
I've committed some updates to the mencoder-wrapper svn repo (http://code.google.com/p/mencoder-wrapper/). Notable changes: